The Institute for Theatre & Social Change at USC invites you to join the #22for22Vote Challenge!
The 2022 midterm elections are coming—and they affect who will be representing us in Congress as well as in critical state and local elections. The balance of power is at stake. How will our elected officials vote on the issues which include the student debt crisis, gun safety, climate change, reproductive rights (including Roe)? We can’t let the midterms pass us by.
We need to:
- Ensure voting rights!
- End voter suppression!
- Get out the vote!
What can you do?
It’s easy! Just do 22 things to PROMOTE THE VOTE! Whatever you choose!
- Text 22 friends and encourage them to vote.
- Register 22 new people to vote.
- Make a 22-second TikTok about why it’s important to vote in 2022!!!
- Send email to 22 politicians to remind them to stop voter suppression.
- Write a 22-line poem to promote the vote.
- Advocate for 22 candidates in important local elections.
- Send out 22 postcards to get out the vote.
- Help 22 people vote on election day.
- Post a haiku for 22 days on social media to promote the vote.
- Draw 22 cartoons to promote the vote.
- Tag 22 people on social media and challenge them.
- Post your #22for22Vote challenge on social media.
Do 22 things in 22 to promote the vote for 22!
What will you do??
A few places you can go for information on the issues—and how to take action:
The Voting Rights Alliance
The Voting Rights Alliance is a growing non-partisan network of organizations, activists, and legislators working to restore and protect voting rights from concerted attacks and to ensure all our votes are fairly counted.
Community Coalition
A local organization that trains activists to empower BIPOC people and improve voter engagement.
Common Cause California
A volunteer organization to protect voting rights.
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters protects every American’s right to vote, challenging those who seek to restrict Black, brown, female, disabled, and other Americans from making their voices heard in our democracy.
Brennan Center for Justice
The Brennan Center focuses on various issues designed to protect democracy including insuring the right to vote and working to end voter suppression, achieving fair representation, and ending gerrymandering.
An online platform with everything you need to know about voting with state by state guidelines on registration deadlines, mail-in ballots, everything you want and need to know!
New Georgia Project
New Georgia Project is a nonpartisan effort to register, civically engage, and build power with the New Georgia Majority – the large and growing population of Black, brown, young and other historically marginalized votes in the Peach State.